
Services - Bathymetric Survey

Bathymetric Survey

CESTA employs advanced drone and sonar technology for comprehensive bathymetric surveys, providing crucial insights into underwater landscapes. Through single-beam echo sounder surveys and sub-bottom profiling, we accurately measure water depths and assess seabed composition. Our airborne mobile sonar bathymetric surveys enable rapid data collection over large areas, enhancing efficiency in underwater mapping. With remote sensing techniques, we monitor changes in marine environments and evaluate human impact, delivering precise solutions for marine research and offshore projects.

Airborne mobile Sonar Bathymetric Survey is a revolutionary technique for mapping underwater terrain with exceptional efficiency and accuracy. By mounting specialized sonar systems on airborne platforms like drones or helicopters, this method enables rapid data acquisition over large water bodies. It offers significant advantages, including quick and cost-effective coverage of vast areas and high-resolution mapping of underwater features. This innovative surveying technique finds applications in hydrographic mapping, environmental monitoring, and offshore resource exploration, revolutionizing the study of underwater landscapes.

  • Single Beam Echo Sounder Surveys

  • Sub-bottom Profiling Surveys

  • Airborne mobile Sonar Bathymetric Survey

  • Remote Sensing