
Solutions - Disaster Management Solutions

Disaster Management Solutions

CESTA provides aerial solutions for disaster risk reduction, offering services such as pre-flood management, pre-tsunami management, pre-earthquake management, and pre-landslide/avalanche mitigation. These solutions include identifying high-risk areas, detecting high land, planning evacuation routes, simulating floods, analyzing rainfall, and creating detailed maps of locations prone to disasters. Additionally, CESTA offers emergency response services, structural integrity assessments, search and rescue operations, reconnaissance, and mapping to assist in disaster preparedness and response efforts. Through advanced aerial technology and data analytics, CESTA aims to predict, mitigate, and manage the impacts of disasters effectively.

A) Services Before a Disaster

  • Virtual Simulation of a Disaster Scenarios 

  • Risk Assessment by Mapping 

  • Create an emergency management plan 

  • Detection of disaster-prone buildings and places 

  • Plan for an alternate location.

  1. Pre-Flood Management/Pre Tsunami-Management 

  • Identification of High-Risk Areas 

  • Highland Detection 

  • Route Planning for Evacuation or Supply 

  • Flood Modelling/Simulation 

  • Volumetric Analysis of Water 

  • Simulation of Rain 

  • Solution of Urban/Rural Flood Issue

  1. Pre-Earthquake Management 

  • Identification of High-Risk Areas in Red, Yellow and Green Zones prior Earthquake 

  • Rescue Planning in the Red and Yellow Zones before disaster 

  • Detailed Map of the Location before the event 

  • Pre-Identification of Nearest Safe Zone 

  • Pre-Planning and Distribution of Disaster Relief Team as per Zones 

  • Early warning and notice to the House owner as per building conditions

  1. Pre-Landslide/Avalanche Mitigation and Prevention

  • Identification of Landslide Area through GIS Mapping using Drone 

  • By Analyzing Slopes, Vegetation and Rainfall we can detect High Risk Area 

  • Calculating landslide/Avalanche volume using Aerial Data 

  • Early warning or Notice to the people who are under landslide Zones

B) Solutions After a Disaster

  1. Emergency Response: 

  • Rapid Aerial Investigation 

  • Safety Procedures and Evacuation monitoring 

  1. Structural Integrity Assessment 

  • Real Time Visuals 

  • Access to Hard-to-Reach Areas 

  1. Search and Rescue Operation: 

  • Search in Vast Area 

  • Thermal and IR Camera 

  1. Reconnaissance and Mapping: 

  • Quick Survey for Rescue Planning 

  • Volumetric Analysis (Quantity of Excess Material to Remove) 

  • 3D Model Creation for Planning Rescue 

  • Detection of Fault Area